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Zinnur Show Room

Show room of Bukhara gold embroidery factory

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Bukhara one of the most ancient cities of Uzbekistan, it is famous not only by architectural monuments, but also national masters, handicraftsmen and their products having art value.
From ancient times the handicraftsmen making jeweler, gold embroidery products, velvet, adras, silk and other production of applied art worked here.
Gold embroidery as art was unique and always took a special place.
Gold embroidery art in Bukhara has the ancient roots. In written sources it is mentioned, that gold embroidery art has been developed in XIV century, however found out at archeological excavations in the Surkhan-Darya and Tashkent regions wall paints representing embroidered clothes, confirm, that gold embroidery art has been developed on our earth already in VI - VII centuries.
As a result of scientific researches it is known, that Spanish ambassador Rue Gonzales de Klaviho who was in Samarkand in 1403-1406, in the memoirs several times mentions gold embroidery ornament and cloths in Emir Timur palace.

Work time:

from 10:00 till 20:00

Day off:



  • Street: 14, I. Muminov str
  • City: Bukhara
  • Country: Uzbekistan


  • Telephone: +998 93 960 6122
  • Fax: +998 65 221 5502

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