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The distance between cities of Uzbekistan

The table shows the distance between the historic cities such as Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva.



The distance between cities is specified in kilometers

  Tashkent Andijan Bukhara Gulistan Djizzakh Karshi Navoiy Namangan Nukus Samarkand Termez Ferghana Urgench 
Tashkent - 447 600 118 203 417 509 313 1255 300 708 419 1119
Andijan 447 - 784 375 421 668 669 67 1342 516 892 75 1566
Bukhara 600 784 - 465 363 161 125 778 558 268 434 749 503
Gulistan 118 375 465 - 106 353 354 369 1027 201 557 340 1001
Djizzakh 203 421 363 106 - 247 248 415 921 95 471 386 916
Karshi 417 668 161 353 247 - 241 662 719 152 273 633 664
Navoiy 509 669 125 354 248 241 - 663 683 153 477 634 610
Namangan 313 67 778 369 415 662 663 - 1336 510 886 85 1552
Nukus 1255 1342 558 1027 921 719 683 1336 - 826 992 1307 136
Samarkand 300 516 268 201 95 152 153 510 826 - 376 481 765
Termez 708 892 434 557 471 273 477 886 992 376 - 857 937
Ferghana 419 75 749 340 386 633 634 85 1307 481 857 - 1538
Urgench  1119 1566 503 1001 916 664 610 1552 136 765 937 1538 -


Popular in Bukhara

Popular in Samarkand

Popular in Tashkent

Popular in Khorezm