Ahmad Yassawiy is the first great representative of Turkic mystical literature and the founder of the oldest Turkic, order of Yassawiyya in Turkistan, which then influenced the Nakshbandiyya and Bektashiyya among the Turks.
Ahmad Yassawiy’s “Hikmat” (Divan-i Hikmat or Book of Wisdom) is the first known work of mystical wisdom written in the Turkic language of the area of Yassi, near the present town of Turkistan in Kazakhstan.
According to a legend famous among the people of Turkistan, out of respect for the Prophet Muhammad’s death at the age of 63, Yassawiy, at the same age, built a cave under the earth where he spent the rest of his life.
Ahmad Yassawiy is still very popular among Central Asians as being the spiritual father of the Turkistan nation. At the Second Congress of Turk Republics Ministers of Culture held in Baku, the year 1993 was declared “Ahmad Yassawiy Year” in honour of the 900th anniversary of his birth.