Rinse meat well , divide into large pieces . Put in a saucepan and cover with cold water . Bring to a boil , drain . Now again , pour cold water into the pan and place on a small flame . Do not let the broth boil strongly . After an hour of cooking , add the pre- soaked (5-6 hours) , peas nuhat . Let meat c peas cooked for 2 hours. Then put in the pan completely , peeled onions , coarsely chopped carrots, potatoes, turnips. Boil just simmer until vegetables are tender floor . Put then entirely seeded peppers and tomatoes with the skin removed . Simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Extinguish the flames. All shourpa ready. Let shourpa stand up even with the lid closed for about 15 minutes . After that , remove the meat and put it on a separate dish . Pour Shurpa on deep plates or Casa , put them neatly into one tomatoes and vegetables . Posypte chopped greens . Can be served . Bon appetit!